News And Tips

Do you have Urinary Incontinence or Painful Intercourse?

Check out our new technique to help with pelvic issues in both men and women.

This includes dribbling, urinary urgency and sexual dysfunction.

There is a new injection technique that helps men or women with incontinence issues and helps women with painful intercourse.

Women can have these issues from having children or having gynecological surgery.

Men also can have incontinence from surgeries such as those related to prostate cancer.

This technique takes less than 30 minutes in the office. We recommend a series of 4 injections over a 4 week period.

By |September 23rd, 2015|For Men, For Women, Sexual Health, Therapy|

Non-Healing Joint Injuries and a New Innovative Technique

Have you been waiting for stem cells to help those non-healing injuries to your joints? We may have something better here in Boise!

I have received training in the past month to be able to inject PRC (platelet rich clot) into a joint to enhance healing.

This PRC is produced through a process in the clinic using your own blood to create growth factors to act like a stem cell transplant.

There are no foreign materials involved, and the clot creates a long term slow release of these healing growth factors.

This technique is being used by progressive orthopedic surgeons and is a more affordable option to stem cell transplants for non-healing orthopedic problems.

By |September 23rd, 2015|Pain, Therapy|

End of Life Decisions

Advanced Directives are a series of legally binding forms to make your wishes known in the event you cannot make your own medical decisions because of an illness or accident. These forms and instructions can be found and downloaded at the Idaho Quality of Life Coalition at There is also a link on the website to register these completed forms with the state.

I found this site to be very helpful in understanding various terms, and available options. The forms make it easy to choose which level of care you receive in the hospital.

Perhaps if you are seriously ill at home you may not want full resuscitation (code blue). If you call the ambulance, the crew and Emergency Room personnel are obligated to perform full resuscitation, regardless of your Advanced Directive. The only way to ensure you do not get this treatment is not to call the ambulance.

I would like to tell you of a specific instruction that I placed on my forms. On the blank box on page 6, I wrote in the statement “I, Ann Huycke, give permission for my agent to allow me to be taken against medical advice to die at home.” In the event my situation is terminal, my agent has been instructed to drag me (if necessary) home. I encourage you to really think about where you would like to take your last breath.

Another good organization with information for end-of-life choices is the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Idaho at Since it is difficult to make funeral decisions at the stressful time surrounding death, for $35, the Alliance will lock in prices for burial or cremation.

By |September 23rd, 2015|News Tips|

Is Vaping a Good Alternative to Smoking?

Electronic cigarettes (E-cigarettes) use nicotine based liquid which is vaporized, inhaled and used as a nicotine substitute. This has become very popular with actors including Leonardo diCaprio, Johnnie Depp, Kate Moss and Lindsey Lohan. Many are questioning the safety of this new smoking alternative.


Idaho bans sale of E-cigarettes to children under 18. However, E-cigarettes have youthful flavors like “bubble gum”. I don’t know about you, but the last time “bubble gum” flavor was appealing to me was when I was 10 years old. So, who is the intended consumer of vaping? There is some concern that e-cigarettes could be a gateway to smoking by young people. There has been a strong campaign against smoking as a deadly habit. Now vaping products are being targeted to young people as a highly palatable and accessible alternative.

Are E-cigarettes harmful? Larger E-cigarettes known as tank systems heat the nicotine liquid hot enough to product cancer-causing carcinogens such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Human bronchial cells exposed to vaping demonstrate the same pattern found with combustible tobacco smoke. Since amounts of nicotine are not standardized, people vaping might be exposed to markedly higher doses of nicotine because they are unaware of their usage (a cigarette is a known and timed unit of nicotine vs. almost continual inhalation of many “vapers”).

Side effects? Users of E-cigarettes complain of headache, cough, dizziness, sore throat, nose bleeds, chest pain, heart palpitations and allergic reactions.

Vaping as a way to stop smoking has no solid research. E-cigarettes have an uncontrolled amount of nicotine in the liquid and labeling does not currently disclose additional fillers and flavors. The FDA plans to wait 2 years before enforcing warning labels requiring manufacturers to submit product applications. In the meantime, […]

By |June 25th, 2015|News Tips|

Conventional Medicine Cures Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is curable! Protease inhibitors can provide an 80-95% cure rate over an 8 to 12 week period

The price for this medicine is $1000 a pill, or an average $84,000 per treatment.

Incidentally, a similar regimen in the United Kingdom is $54,000 and possibly as low as $900 in Egypt.

JAMA 312:6, 593-4

By |June 25th, 2015|News Tips|

Tired all the time?

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

Waking up with a very sore or dry throat
Loud snoring
Occasionally waking up with a choking or gasping sensation
Sleepiness or lack of energy during the day
Sleepiness while driving
Morning headaches
Restless sleep
Forgetfulness, mood changes, and a decreased interest in sex
Recurrent awakenings or insomnia.

You may need a sleep study. We now carry an in-home sleep monitor that you can take home and be tested for sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is dangerous for multiple reasons, the most serious being negative cardiovascular effects on the body. As you fall asleep and stop breathing, your body slows your heart rate because it wants to conserve the oxygen that is in your system. When your heart rate gets too slow it reaches a point where your body needs to wake up to get some air. Your heart rate has to speed up to partially wake you to breath, consequently you have a heart rate that slows down and speeds up, this puts tremendous stress on the heart. This increases your chance of a heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular disease. It has never been more affordable to check to see if sleep apnea affects you.

You will not need to pay more than $400.00 for self pay, $300 for insurance and may be as little as $0.00 with Medicare. Call the office for further details.

By |June 25th, 2015|News Tips|

Pesticides in our Food

If you do not already purchase organic produce, you may want to consider organic when it comes to these items which have high pesticides.

Foods with the worst pesticides:

Nectarines (imported)
Sweet bell peppers
Kale/collard greens

Foods with least pesticides:

Sweet peas
Sweet potatoes

By |June 25th, 2015|Healthy Eating|

Water Filtration at Home

We have many challenges in the Treasure Valley to create the perfect filter. We have about 83 neighborhood wells and each has its own unique signature. This means having to contact the water department for specific reports for your neighborhood. Now we have someone to help us discover the perfect filter for our households.

We have the following local elements that need filtration:

Uranium, chlorine, fluoride and arsenic.

Boise, Eagle, Nampa and Meridian have uranium in the water, Caldwell does not.

This uranium is from natural deposits in the rock.

Chlorine is present in all publically shared wells. Chlorine molecules can break down into toxic carcinogenic byproducts. All chlorine needs filtration. A Britta filter, while affordable, does not filter enough chlorine. The Britta Company makes no claims except to enhance the taste of the water. Even reverse osmosis filters do not have a carbon filter for chlorine removal. If a carbon filter is not hooked up before the RO unit, the chlorine will use up the RO filters quickly.

Chloramine is an ammonia derivative with chlorine atoms attached. Chloramine is used instead of chlorine because it has longer lasting disinfectant properties. There have been health risks associated with chloramine use including intestinal complaints (stomach cramps, acid reflux and IBS), respiratory symptoms (wheezing, cough, and asthma) and skin problems (rashes, blistering, dry skin, cracking, peeling, bleeding, burning sensations, mouth ulcers). Also, people on chemotherapy are warned to not drink chloramine water. The good news: we don’t have chloramine in our drinking water in Idaho. There are no plans to use chloramine.

The level of fluoride in Idaho water is approximately what is in the water in cities which fluoridate their water. It is thought that the fluoride salts (calcium fluoride for example) […]

Be Happy Now

Top five regrets of the dying written by a caregiver Bronnie Ware author of “The Top Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing”

Top five regrets of the dying written by a caregiver Bronnie Ware author of The Top Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing

I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
I wish that I had let myself be happy.

And not a mention of not having enough sex….


Recipe For Coconut Milk Yogurt

Allergic to dairy and love yogurt? Here is a healthful delicious alternative

For those of you who love yogurt and cannot tolerate dairy, consider using coconut milk for the main fluid of your yogurt. Coconut milk can help as prevention for heart disease, diabetes, infectious disease and dementia. Coconut milk also has medium chain triglycerides, which can keep your waistline slim. Because it is such a powerful “medicine”, start with ¼ cup and go up to one cup of yogurt per day.

Coconut Yogurt

3 cans coconut milk

1 cup coconut flour

Heat on the stove until it comes to a simmer. Continue to simmer for another minute stirring until smooth. Take off the burner and cool down to 110 degrees. Add two capsules of non-dairy probiotic and blend. Put into the yogurt maker for 10-12 hours. Refrigerate until firm (6 hours or more).

You can add stevia (flavored or not) and fruit.

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