News And Tips

South African high fiber diet decreases cancer risk

South African high fiber diet decreases cancer risk, American high animal protein and fat diet increases cancer risk. What if these 2 study groups swapped diets?

When the South Africans swapped diets with the African Americans for 2 weeks, their colons showed markers consistent with a higher cancer risk. When the African Americans swapped diets with the South Africans, their colon cancer markers diminished. See the article:

By |February 8th, 2016|Healthy Eating|

Should you get the flu shot?

When I first started off in medicine, the flu vaccine was offered in September and October for the impending flu season of that year. Now the flu season is all year long. When was the last time you called the pharmacy? Any time of year, you will hear their advertising of the flu shot, no out of pocket expense, come in anytime… (
Now the important question, does the flu shot work? Does the flu shot cause the flu?

For the website:
In short, there was an outbreak on a naval carrier where the immunization rate was 99%. The flu strain of their illness was conclusively linked to the flu immunization given to these sailors.
How effective is the shot? For the elderly (over 65) it is minimally effective. For younger folks, it may be 43% effective the first year, but the second year of vaccination, an immunized person may be 15% more likely to get the flu! What about year 3, year 4…? No research on this.

Navy Proves Flu Shot Causes Flu

By |February 8th, 2016|From The Pharmacy|

Ever wonder what is in a Flintstone vitamin?

The Bayer company tells us: “During the active, growing years of childhood, it is important to ensure that children receive all the vitamins and minerals they need every day. Since the body does not store all essential vitamins and minerals, some have to be supplied on a regular basis. Unfortunately, many Americans have poor eating habits which can make it difficult to get all of the vitamins and minerals we need from our food. To supplement your diet, Flintstones can be taken to help assure adequate nutrition.”

Well… you’ll get a smattering of vitamins, and a lot more…. including:

INGREDIENTS (taken from the Flintstone website):
Sorbitol, Mannitol, Fructose, Sodium Ascorbate,
Ferrous Fumarate, Silicon Dioxide, Carrageenan, Natural and Artificial Flavors,
FD&C Red #40 Lake; Less Than 2% Of: Aspartame, Beta-Carotene,
Cholecalciferol, Cyanocobalamin, D-Calcium Pantothenate,
dl-Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate, FD&C Blue #2 Lake, FD&C Yellow #6 Lake,
Folic Acid, Magnesium Stearate, Niacinamide, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride,
Riboflavin, Soy Lecithin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Vitamin A Acetate. Contains: Soy.

Sorbitol is a synthetic sugar alcohol. The ingestion of higher amounts have been linked to gastrointestinal disturbances including irritable bowel syndrome.

The ‘vitamin C’ listed as ascorbic acid is most likely produced from GMO corn. If my vitamins are genetically modified, I would like a warning on the label. How about you?

While it is impossible to die from consuming iron from food (spinach), ferrous fumarate is an industrial mineral not found in nature as food. Ferrous fumarate is so toxic an accidental overdose of this form of iron is “a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6.” The manufacturer further warns:
Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.
Natural and Artificial […]

By |February 8th, 2016|Vitamins|

A Simple Weight Loss Strategy

A Simple Weight Loss Strategy

Intermittent fasting is a timed way of eating. You can fast entirely one or two days a week. Or you can do a daily fast by skipping breakfast or supper, and not eating calories for 16 hours. When you eat, your diet should be low in carbohydrates (bread, pastries, potatoes, pasta) and high in good fats (eggs, butter, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, avocados) and always lots of vegetables.

It takes most people 8 to 12 hours to deplete their glycogen stores. They never get into fat-burning mode if they eat 3 meals a day. The intermittent eating schedule causes dependable daily fat-burning.

Intermittent fasting can have other health benefits including enhanced brain function, lowering triglycerides, normalizing insulin resistance and reducing inflammation.
This diet is not recommended for diabetics, hypoglycemics, pregnant or lactating women

By |February 8th, 2016|Healthy Eating|

We all know hormones are essential to a happy love life. Are yours up for the challenge?

Where: PT 180 at 5909 State Street, Boise ID 83703
When: Monday February 8
When: 6:30 to 8:00
Pre-register $10, call 658-5570.

We all know hormones are essential to a happy love life. Are yours up for the challenge? Please join Ann Huycke, MD, ND, as she explains just how critical hormones are for vitality, health, and sexual well-being. You will craft essential oil ‘love enhancers’ to bring home that can perk up sluggish hormones–just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Adults only.

By |February 1st, 2016|For Women, Hormones|

Health Insurance Options 2016

The current health care options can be overwhelming. This article is an attempt to make the choices a bit clearer. If you own your own business or work for an employer that does not provide health insurance coverage, you now must buy insurance or pay the penalty for not having insurance on your tax return. This applies to every working person in the USA.

So what are your options?

Qualifies for ObamaCare exemption:

1. Sign up at your state’s health care exchange online or at the federal government site

Fill out an application and your federal tax savings will be calculated (if any). Then choose one of the plans that are offered in your state. Your federal tax savings will show as an automatic deduction on the plans available. Some states only offer 1 option, others offer many options. This is the easiest avenue to take.

2. Health care sharing ministry

These are voluntary, charitable membership organizations that share medical expenses among the membership.

Samaritan Ministries, Christian Healthcare Ministries, and Christian Care Ministry (Medi-Share) are open to practicing Christians, while Liberty HealthShare is open to those who are committed to religious liberty.

Healthcare sharing ministries operate entirely outside of ObamaCare’s regulations, and typically offer benefits for about half the cost of similar health insurance.

3. Natural Medicine Healthcare.

As a first of its kind co-op solution, GreenSurance combines savings, exemption, choice and freedom to people who follow healthy life-style choices. Alternative health care is encouraged and reimbursed.

Another option is O’NA HealthCare, an American Indian tribal health co-operative. Members are encouraged to see practitioners within the tribal health care system, but will reimburse if there are no in-network practitioners or hospitals closeby.

4. Health care cooperatives

Some consumer-owned health care co-ops provide prepaid health care services […]

By |January 7th, 2016|Insurance|

Cologuard is back!

Cologuard is a non-invasive stool test that is 92% accurate in detecting active colon cancer. This is available through our office and may be a safe, accurate option to colonoscopy.

Cologuard was pulled from the market several years ago by the FDA. It is now back and can be ordered through the mail if you are a patient of Metta Health Care.

The sales representative says this test is covered by medicare and most insurances every 3 years (if the person hasn’t had a colonoscopy). The out-of-pocket price is about $600 if you don’t have insurance.

This test may be a good option for people who don’t have a family or personal history of colon cancer, and want a non-invasive option for colon cancer screening.

This may come at an opportune moment when an article has exposed inadequate sterilization of colonoscopes in large medical institutions.

Read more.


By |December 10th, 2015|Cancer|

Skip the Christmas cookies, eat your fermented foods!

Fermented foods are so healthy! We enclosed a recipe for coconut yogurt in a previous newsletter. But my philosophy is to get as many good bacteria into your body from as many food sources as possible. Here is an easy inexpensive way to make sauerkraut at home.

Sauerkraut has been a food staple in many cultures. We will describe a simple recipe that can be made at home for pennies in mason jars. There is almost always a jar or two of this homemade sauerkraut in my refrigerator.

Before I started making sauerkraut at home, I thought I needed to have an expensive crock to make the recipe. Don’t let that stop you. Get some mason jars, the bigger ones may make things a bit easier. Just make sure whatever you choose has a wide-mouth.

Sauerkraut is made by lacto-fermentation. On the surface of the cabbage (and other fruits and vegetables) are colonies of beneficial bacteria. Lactobacillus is one of these beneficial bacteria and is the same bacterial family found in yogurt. We want to encourage these bacteria to grow. When submerged in a salt solution, the bacteria begin to convert sugars in the cabbage into lactic acid. The lactic acid encourages the growth of good bacteria and inhibits the bad.

Lacto-fermentation has been used for centuries to preserve seasonal vegetables beyond their standard shelf-life. The fermentation process itself is very reliable and safe. Sauerkraut can be kept for a couple of months in the frig.

At the most basic, all you need is cabbage, salt, and some sort of container. Metal reacts with the lactic acid, so use ceramic bowls, glass and wooden spoons.

1 medium head cabbage (about 3 pounds) I also like to add beets to my […]

By |December 10th, 2015|Healthy Eating, Recipes|

Vitamin Recommendations for Adults

My Personal Recommendation
Many people ask me about whether they need to take a daily multivitamin. I hem and haw, because it would be ideal for all of us to get our nutritional needs from food.

The CDC reports that only 32% of adults consumed fruit two or more times per day in 2009, and just over 26% ate vegetables three or more times per day. As a reminder, an optimal diet for a mature adult would be ¼ of the plate with protein, and ¾ vegetables. Children should have more starches than adults such as rice, bread and noodles. The grains should be organic and non-GMO (no genetic modification), but that is another story…

If a person isn’t going to eat their vegetables or must eat food that isn’t optimal (institutional food), they may need to take a multivitamin. The best ones are from a food source. The Purium LOVE super powder and Power shake are two examples of these food based vitamins and minerals.

Everyone in Boise needs Vitamin D supplementation in the winter. We just don’t have enough sunlight in Boise in the winter. Elderly people may not convert much Vitamin D from their skin regardless of the season. Tanning beds are an option for adults if the beds emit Vitamin D producing UVB light. Do not tan in beds with only UVA light.

Vitamin D needs to be combined with Vitamin K. We have the combo in one capsule at Metta Health. For children: 0 to 2 year need 400 to 1000 IU per day, from 2 and above 600 to 1000 IU per day. Adults should take 1500 to 2000 per day, although I personally take 5000 IU per day in the winter. If […]

By |December 10th, 2015|Vitamins|

Holiday Herbs

Mistletoe is a poisonous fruit which has been a symbol of virility and fertility. The Druids thought the plant was a physical aphrodisiac. Mistletoe also has medical purposes. Which of the following conditions can be treated with mistletoe?

1. epilepsy
2. heart tonic
3. cancer

Answer: All of them.

By |December 10th, 2015|News Tips|
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