
Water Filtration at Home

We have many challenges in the Treasure Valley to create the perfect filter. We have about 83 neighborhood wells and each has its own unique signature. This means having to contact the water department for specific reports for your neighborhood. Now we have someone to help us discover the perfect filter for our households.

We have the following local elements that need filtration:

Uranium, chlorine, fluoride and arsenic.

Boise, Eagle, Nampa and Meridian have uranium in the water, Caldwell does not.

This uranium is from natural deposits in the rock.

Chlorine is present in all publically shared wells. Chlorine molecules can break down into toxic carcinogenic byproducts. All chlorine needs filtration. A Britta filter, while affordable, does not filter enough chlorine. The Britta Company makes no claims except to enhance the taste of the water. Even reverse osmosis filters do not have a carbon filter for chlorine removal. If a carbon filter is not hooked up before the RO unit, the chlorine will use up the RO filters quickly.

Chloramine is an ammonia derivative with chlorine atoms attached. Chloramine is used instead of chlorine because it has longer lasting disinfectant properties. There have been health risks associated with chloramine use including intestinal complaints (stomach cramps, acid reflux and IBS), respiratory symptoms (wheezing, cough, and asthma) and skin problems (rashes, blistering, dry skin, cracking, peeling, bleeding, burning sensations, mouth ulcers). Also, people on chemotherapy are warned to not drink chloramine water. The good news: we don’t have chloramine in our drinking water in Idaho. There are no plans to use chloramine.

The level of fluoride in Idaho water is approximately what is in the water in cities which fluoridate their water. It is thought that the fluoride salts (calcium fluoride for example) […]

Radiation Protection

What We Can Do:
There are ways to mitigate the effects of this dangerous radiation. One is to take supplements that prevent the radioactive elements from settling in our bodies. Here’s a link to an article that explains why protecting ourselves BEFORE radiation exposure is so important:

I recommend that you acquire some supplements in advance ‘just in case’, because it is important to saturate our bodies with minerals before we encounter any radioactivity. We carry the following supplements in our office. Call 208 658-5570 to order.

To prevent Iodide 131 from settling in the body, use Iodoral, a non-radioactive iodide supplement. An adult can take one tablet a day. SSKI, a liquid source of iodine, is perfect for infants and children. SSKI needs to be ordered from a compounding pharmacy.

Cesium 137 is similar to potassium, so taking Iodoral, which contains some potassium, can help prevent absorption. Mega-Min has potassium as well. You can also buy Morton’s Salt Substitute, which contains potassium chloride, and use this as you would use salt in cooking and seasoning.

Use calcium supplements, or non-radioactive Strontium, to prevent absorption of Strontium 90. Mega-Min has calcium in protective amounts.

Mega-Min also contains Selenium, which is protective against cancer in general.
Be Prepared:
In the event of a nuclear meltdown, I recommend the following supplements/dosages:

Adult Daily Dose:

2 Mega-Mins
1 Strontium
1 Iodoral
Vitamin C 1000mg 3 times a day
Vitamin D 5000iu per day

Note: Cancer patients can take 6 Mineral 650 (a supplement that does not contain copper or iron), 1 Strontium, and 1 Iodoral per day.

Keep the Morton’s salt substitute handy and sprinkle it on food.

Call the office at 208 658-5570 to order the above supplements, or if you need a recommendation to a compounding pharmacy.

Frightening New Information about Mammograms and the BRCA Mutation!

Alert! All women who carry or might carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, please read this! Warning! Mammography May Be Dangerous to Women at High Breast Cancer Risk By Natural News | September 11, 2012 2:17 PM EST A woman undergoes a mammography exam, a special type of X-ray of the breasts, which is used to detect tumours as part of a regular cancer prevention medical check-up at a clinic in Nice, south eastern France January 4, 2008. Women with a family history of breast cancer are often encouraged to be tested to see if they carry a mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes which control the suppression of breast and ovarian cancer. If they do carry a mutated gene, they are often encouraged to have mammograms at far younger-than-normal ages to catch any malignancy early. This common practice ignores the obvious, however — not every woman with the gene mutation develops cancer so some environmental factor or factors are implicated in “switching on” the gene. And the radiation from mammograms may be one of those factors that can actually trigger breast cancer in these high risk women.

By |June 14th, 2013|Cancer, For Women, Radiation|
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