The current health care options can be overwhelming. This article is an attempt to make the choices a bit clearer. If you own your own business or work for an employer that does not provide health insurance coverage, you now must buy insurance or pay the penalty for not having insurance on your tax return. This applies to every working person in the USA.

So what are your options?

Qualifies for ObamaCare exemption:

1. Sign up at your state’s health care exchange online or at the federal government site

Fill out an application and your federal tax savings will be calculated (if any). Then choose one of the plans that are offered in your state. Your federal tax savings will show as an automatic deduction on the plans available. Some states only offer 1 option, others offer many options. This is the easiest avenue to take.

2. Health care sharing ministry

These are voluntary, charitable membership organizations that share medical expenses among the membership.

Samaritan Ministries, Christian Healthcare Ministries, and Christian Care Ministry (Medi-Share) are open to practicing Christians, while Liberty HealthShare is open to those who are committed to religious liberty.

Healthcare sharing ministries operate entirely outside of ObamaCare’s regulations, and typically offer benefits for about half the cost of similar health insurance.

3. Natural Medicine Healthcare.

As a first of its kind co-op solution, GreenSurance combines savings, exemption, choice and freedom to people who follow healthy life-style choices. Alternative health care is encouraged and reimbursed.

Another option is O’NA HealthCare, an American Indian tribal health co-operative. Members are encouraged to see practitioners within the tribal health care system, but will reimburse if there are no in-network practitioners or hospitals closeby.

4. Health care cooperatives

Some consumer-owned health care co-ops provide prepaid health care services […]