Please follow these preparation instructions for your breast thermography screening:
- You must wait at least three (3) months after breast surgery, including any biopsies, the completion of chemotherapy or radiation before a thermography screening.
- You are asked to avoid any natural or artificial tanning of your chest for two-three (2-3) days prior to the screening date.
- You must not have had any fever within thirty-six (36) hours of your thermography.
- You must avoid ultrasound or mammogram or clinical physical examination of the breasts for at least three (3) days prior to the screening.
- There should be no bruising, rashes, or skin irritation in the breast area on the day of the study.
- You should refrain from hot yoga, sauna, steam-room or hot/cold packs in contact with the breasts for at least twenty-four (24) hours.
- With your doctor’s permission, avoid use of the following medications for twelve (12) hours prior to the examination: Nitroglycerin, Niacin, Niacin patch, or any migraine medications (500milligrams or more)
- You are asked to refrain from exercise, bathing, or showering for one hour prior to your thermography.
- Please refrain from using deodorants, creams, powders or lotions that may cause an inflammation in the breast area on the day of your screening.
- You are asked to refrain from any tobacco use, or the consumption of caffeinated beverages or products for two (2) hours prior to your screening. This includes energy drinks/shots.
- If you currently are using a nicotine patch or any gum containing nicotine please call our office for further instructions.
- If you are exposed to outside environmental extremes, such as very cold or warm temperatures, you should acclimate in a comfortable room temperature for approximately fifteen-twenty (15-20) minutes prior to your thermography.
- If you are breastfeeding, please empty the breasts thirty to sixty (30-60) minutes before your appointment.
- Please refrain from bringing in any beverages with you on the date of your appointment.
- You should wait three (3) weeks after a laser hair removal treatment, for under the arms, before you have a thermography.