1. To ID Phony Health Foods… try Fooducate This app, which comes with a barcode scanner to use at supermarkets, grades packaged food in terms of its healthiness, and it also alerts you to health food imposters that contain high fructose corn syrup, harmful additives, trans fats, and other sketchy ingredients.
Good for: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android compatible
Find it: fooducate.com
Price: $0 to $3.99 (depending on the version)
2. For When to Buy Organic… try EWG’s 2012 Shopper’s Guide Ever year, the Environmental Working Group wades through US Department of Agriculture data on levels of pesticides found on common produce. The result? Their much-hyped “Dirty Dozen” list of foods you should always buy organic, and their “Clean 15” list of foods that are OK to buy conventionally grown. Download their app to always keep this info handy when you’re shopping.
Good for: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android and Windows Phone compatible
Find it: ewg.org/foodnews
Price: Free
3. For Safe and Sustainable Fish… try Seafood Watch One fish, two fish, red fish…oh, who even knows anymore? Skip the confusion about what seafood is safe—and sustainable—with the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch app. It tells you which fish are plentiful, which are on the brink of extinction, and which are so polluted with mercury and PCBs that you shouldn’t touch them with a 10-foot pole. It even has a handy Sushi Guide to help you navigate the raw-fish counter with ease.
Good for: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android compatible
Find it: montereybayaquarium.org
Price: Free
Scary Facts About Shrimp
4. To Pick the Freshest Produce… try Harvest Should you sniff strawberries or check out their color? Are you really supposed to thump a watermelon or shake an avocado? Consult with Harvest, an app that doles out tips […]
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